Issue Position: Women

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Issues: Women

I support family leave policies that allow sick, vacation, or unpaid leave for people who need time off to care for family members.

I support affordable, quality child care and pre-school programs that mean so much to the long-term educational success of our children

Women play important roles on school boards, corporate boards, as chief executives, governors, leislators and in virtually all walks of life. Yet, women are still a small minority in most decision making bodies. This year, Montana is losing three female senators including the past majority and minority leader, Carol Williams, whose seat I am seeking. Of the 50 senators in the Montana Legislature, only four will be women unless more women are elected in 2012. Women bring a unique perspective to organizations because of their experiences:

Women are earning college and masters' degrees at higher rates than men today.
As many women as men are working int he labor force and are working full-time.
Regardless of education, women in 2009 earned about 25% less than their male counterparts for the same work.
Unmarried and divorced women are likely raising and supporting their children, and , with 25% less pay, are more likely to be in poverty, especially if they are women of color.
Women live longer and are more likely to suffer from mobility impairments, arthritis, asthma, depression, and obesity. Women get less physical exercise and less recommended preventive health care than men. Senior women are more likely to live in poverty than men.
Women are more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence and stalking.

Women have important voices and perspectives to add in the Montana Legislature, just one more reason I'm asking for you support in 2012.
